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The smart city is leveraging the living cities through technology the main thing is that it improves the efficiency and quality of life for residents
Why we need smart city
In the world 54% of people live in cities, over the next three decades, the population grow which will impact Environmental, social, and economic sustainability. the population in these cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Shanghai, Tokyo, etc. lost natural resources, social composition, water resources, loss of agricultural land, and health conditions are affected. To come out of this we need smart cities.
Technologies Impact in smart cities:
Smart cities are an IOT technology used for Smart lighting, traffic control monitoring, waste management, smart transportation, production of smart energy, smooth mobility, Environment monitoring, etc..,. IoT technology helps to live their inhabitants to live more sustainably. Most useful technology and its usage:
Smart lighting:
The smart light is voice control and the bulb glows when a user is near only it has a schedule with the light on and off which helps save energy.
Waste management:
Smart waste solutions it is used for separators and which items can be composted or recycled and data sharing through the message it will use for recycling
Smart Transportation:
Smart surveillance cameras can detect cars and automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) or automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) makes it possible for law enforcement
Traffic control monitoring:
A traffic monitoring system automatically monitors vehicles in moving traffic. Sensors are continuously recorded road traffic and control the signals it is used to record, aggregate, and evaluate the traffic and environment.
Smart energy:
The smart energy system is important for too many energy consumers like the company, manufacturers company these companies use smart energy systems we use and save the energy
Recently, worldwide IOT adoption is increased. Likewise, top countries are using IOT technologies in smart cities creation, they will create smart cities. Are you interested in an IOT application development?
We, Clarisco Solutions are a prominent Blockchain and IoT development company. We have provided the best IoT solutions.
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